Written by: Mike Simonato, Ontario Presenter: “Investing for the Long Term”, presented to the Feb. 6, 2021 International Online Forum, you can watch by CLICKING HERE.
There is an insane number of services out there that offer to invest your money for you or offer graphing systems to help you trade your own money. My experience with Pro Traders and being headhunted by some top firms showed me how crooked they were, I was even told that having a conscience disqualified me from working for them. I even had a money manager tell me “It’s hard to be honest when you’re paid by commission”. All of us want a good quality of life and a good stress-free retirement. How can we achieve this when everyday life is getting more challenging and expensive. We have 2 options.
- Pay someone to manage our money for us. Usually get 6-8% returns if we are lucky.
- Manage our own money. If we are good, we can outperform the market. If we don’t have the right system or natural ability, we can lose everything.
I have tried them all and for me, VectorVest has no equal, and I’ll explain why.
- Dr DiLiddo. I had the privilege of getting to know him. He had a strong desire to help everyone succeed in trading the market. (Usually, he had to be dragged off the stage because he loved helping people that much. He also had an incredible ability to choose the right people to build a team of people who felt the same as him.
- The Vector Vest Platform. It was designed to give us all the tools needed, so no matter what type of trader we are, we have all the tools needed to succeed. For Day Traders there is the Derby, For Swing Traders there are Model Portfolios, Countless Unisearches , Watchlists ie Master Retirement Watchlist etc and for the more cautious there are indicators such as CI, RS and searches such as Prudent and our Worry-Free Investing.
- Another way Vector Vest sets itself apart is an insane number of free webinars every week to help us learn and where we can ask questions and examine stocks of interest. Bang for the buck. The annual price can easily be made on one trade. If (which for me is hard), 2 and 3 weren’t enough recently VectorVest opened up the entire world to us at no additional cost, giving us access to info and webinars all over the world. If this doesn’t convince you, READ the Sept 10 Australia Views. This shows how much each of us is valued.
- For me, personally, I get 100% value from the person who I call the Face of VectorVest, Stan “The Man” Heller. My first experience with VectorVest every single person told me “listen to Stan, do what he says and you’ll do well in the market”. Let’s take a look at what Stan does for us:
A Weekly Views
B Weekly Webinars
C Designs and teaches courses
D Regional Forums
E Monthly International Forums
F Email updates ie New listings in the Retirement Master Watchlist
G answers countless emails each week to help us
Most think Stan gets paid for all of this, but truth is he does most of it because he wants to help us succeed
- The People. Thanks to Stan and Bob Turnbull, I now feel confident that I can have a worry-free retirement. When I first started with VectorVest a young man named Don Fanstone did a weekly Colour Guard report with some options trades. I so looked forward to his articles every week. Over the years I’ve made so many good friends in VectorVest including Don, Tom Cauley, (You couldn’t find a nicer guy) Bob Howes, Jim, James, E etc etc etc
Thank you so much to everyone for your help, patience, and of course, friendship. It means the world to me.
As always, My 2 cents, and I hope it’s of value and interest
Now for the markets:
This week the markets showed a lot of nervousness. See the USA Views for a summary of some of the reasons.
DOW JONES: 2nd day it failed at the 20 SMA Weak candle today Continuing Low Volume
NASDAQ: Closed back below the 8 EMA Little stronger volume but still weak in my eyes
S&P 500: Closed below the 20 SMA 2nd day in a row Strongest candle of the 3 markets RT just above 1
MKT TIMING: Weak Doji today Yesterday DEW up Today DEW DN Highlights need for caution in this market
READ Views and Strategy
PTSE: Failed 2 times at the 40 SMA Wed to Fri very tight channel Continuing low vol
VENTURE: Continues weak Staying below the 8 EMA Also low volume
MKT TIMING: Held the 79 SMA but can’t break above the 8 EMA Still no buy signal. Indicators fell as well this week.
Read Views and Strategy
AUSTRALIA C/DN PW DN Read Views and Strategy
BRITAIN C/UP PW UP Read Views and Strategy
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