The Midas Touch Challenge 2nd Place WinnerAs presented in Friday’s SOTW, the 2nd Place Winner in the Midas Touch Challenge delivered an amazing 184.52% Annualized Rate of Return. Ken R. used a tighter stop than our 3rd place winner, so there were many more trades, but you can’t argue with the results. Just a 14.17% maximum drawdown with a relatively smooth equity curve.

Making an average of eight trades a week may not suit your investment style, so as we mentioned before, you may wish to try modifying Ken’s stop criteria to something that suits you better. Ken’s search and trading plan have been added to our US program so we can easily and quickly do our own testing and modifications.

MONDAY’s Q&A WEBINAR. All the details of Ken R.’s search and trading system were presented in Friday night’s Strategy of the Week (SOTW) presentation by Cathy O’Nan, Manager of Internal Training. I hope you’ll join me tomorrow Monday, March 2 at 12:30 p.m. for our regular SOTW Q&A. We’ll answer your questions about Ken R.’s search and trading system and we’ll study Monday’s market activity in Realtime. Here is a link to register:

Remember, our new start time is 12:30 p.m. If you can’t attend the live event, please be sure to register anyway. When you do you’ll receive an email with a link to the webinar recording as soon as it is available.

MIDAS TOUCH IN CANADA. Many of you have been asking how the Midas Touch might perform in Canada using the rules of the US contest. A couple of subscribers have been testing the Canadian Midas Touch and let me know they have achieve some solid results. Leslie Jedrychowski for example used an RT Ranking search and trading system influenced by both the 3rd and 2nd place winners and came up with some very good results for the Canadian Market. He achieved a 77.83% ARR with 65% Overall Winners and just a 7.89% Maximum Drawdown.

Tom Mitchell achieved an amazing 90% win percent with his Canadian Midas Touch strategy, and his annual rate of return was a very nice 49.83% with a drawdown of 17.17%.

And Michael Wuetherick, our Red Deer User Group Leader, posted some interesting results for the Canadian Midas Touch in the Comments section of last week’s Blog about the 3rd Place Midas Touch Strategy. Running some tests for the Canadian market, he ultimately followed guidance from Jake’s Patent Winners and eliminated Petroleum and Mining Sectors.  Once he did that, he managed a very respectable 27.47% ARR with 43.57% winners and a Maximum Drawdown of 21.23%.

Stay tuned to our Blog this week. I’ll be posting more details about Leslie and Tom’s studies and results. Do I sense a Midas Touch Canada BLOG Challenge coming on? (Without all the prize money unfortunately!)

Midas Touch Challenge 2nd Place