By Don Fanstone, Member, Kitchener/Waterloo User Group

Put and Call graphicTrades since Monday Feb. 23:

Feb. 23 Sold 10 IPL July 27’s @ $6.65. Bought Dec. 22/14 @ $5.00 Profit $1,650

Feb 23 Sold 5 ENB July 52’s @ $9.70. Bought Feb. 4 @ $11.95 Loss $1,125.

Feb 24. Sold 4 CNR June 70’s @ $16.70, Bought Jan. 20 @ $12.65 Profit $1,640.

Feb 24 Sold 10 CNR June 72’s @ $15.00, Buy Nov. 26 @ $13.00. Profit $2,000.

Feb. 24 Buy 7 CTC.A Aug. 110’s @ $15.55 Sold Feb 26 @ $22.70 Profit $5,005.

Feb. 26.      Buy 5 SWKS Aug. 75’s @$17.07 US.       (Open Contract)

Feb. 26       Buy 10 AVO July 21’s @ $5.00                (Open Contract)

Feb. 27       Buy 10 MIC July 28’s @ $4.70                 (Open Contract)


The MTI is nearing a top in the USA and in Canada, see the one year MTI graph.

Read Dr. DiLiddo’s Feb. 20 and Feb. 28 comments on the US market.

This is not an ideal time to be adding Call Options or Buying Stock Long with the expectation that the markets are going to move up strongly.

Follow Dr. DiLiddo’s advice, don’t sell everything, be aware and be cautious.

DISCLAIMER: Options trading involves risk and is not suitable for everyone. The information contained in this Blog is for education and information purposes only. Example trades should not be considered as recommendations. Options training is strongly recommended before placing any trades. VectorVest offers a basic options course online and occasional intermediate options workshops in Canada each year.