5 07, 2015

Greece votes ‘no’ to austerity. VectorVest continues its guidance, “It’s time to be defensive and protect profits.”

By |2015-07-05T21:32:53+00:00July 5th, 2015|Categories: General Education, Portfolio Management, Retirement Planning, Webinars and Workshops|

Early news reports indicate that Greece has voted convincingly to reject austerity measures. Already the 'fear mongering' headlines are starting to appear. 'Chaos' is the word of the day. No one knows for sure how the markets will react, but taking cautionary steps is never a bad thing. (Remind me to give you a little quiz [...]

3 07, 2015

The 7 Keys to Managing Risk – A must-watch video.

By |2015-07-03T14:41:58+00:00July 3rd, 2015|Categories: General Education, Portfolio Management, Retirement Planning, Video Library, Webinars and Workshops|

Do yourself a favour. Watch this short video to learn the 7 keys to managing risk. It's presented by Angel Clark, VectorVest's Creative Marketing Director. It's short, interestingly presented and packed with wisdom for a lifetime of successful investing. Like it on our Facebook page and make sure your children and grandchildren get a chance [...]

19 04, 2015

3 Qualities to look for in Retirement Stocks – Free Q&A Webinar

By |2015-04-19T15:56:44+00:00April 19th, 2015|Categories: Market Timing, Retirement Planning, Webinars and Workshops|

Our Friday Special Presentation focused on three qualities to look for in retirement stocks: 1. High Relative Safety 2. High Dividend Yield, Safety and Growth, and 3, High Comfort Index. All three are terrific indicators found only in VectorVest. During our Q&A Webinar tomorrow at 12:30 pm EDT, we'll use a few searches to find [...]

28 01, 2015

How to run a manual BackTest using charts for exits

By |2024-04-26T15:07:12+00:00January 28th, 2015|Categories: Portfolio Management, Retirement Planning, Technical Studies, Video Library|

By Stan Heller, Consultant, VectorVest Canada We're spoiled with VectorVest's AutoTimer Genius by the ability to run several BackTests in a reasonably short period, easily changing our test dates, market timing signals, search criteria and money management strategies. We can change from Gain/Loss to Trailing Stops in the blink of an eye and run several tests in short [...]

20 01, 2015

Markham UG’s Business Plan for a Retired Couple

By |2024-04-26T15:07:13+00:00January 20th, 2015|Categories: Portfolio Management, Retirement Planning, Uncategorized, User Group Meetings|

Submitted By Phil Thomas, User Group Leader Toronto-Markham VectorVest User Group Editors Note: The templates and information contained in the following article are outstanding. As always, the stocks identified are not recommendations. Investors must always do their own research and homework and come up with a plan that suits their own investment goals, risk tolerance, [...]

23 12, 2014

VectorVest Investor’s Top 40 Retirement Picks for 2015

By |2024-04-26T15:07:14+00:00December 23rd, 2014|Categories: Portfolio Management, Retirement Planning, Stock Analysis, Webinars and Workshops|

The vote is in. VectorVest investors attending our weekly SOTW Q&A Monday, December 22 gave us their top 40 Retirement Stock Picks for 2015. Included is a mix of conservative and prudent picks. Most are geared for income such as high-yielding Financial 15 Split Corp (FTN), Crescent Point Energy (CPG) and Brookfield Power (BEP.U), but others [...]

22 12, 2014

What’s Your Top Retirement Resolution for 2015?

By |2024-04-26T15:07:14+00:00December 22nd, 2014|Categories: Retirement Planning, Webinars and Workshops|

Are you planning anything different for your retirement goals in 2015?  It's something we should all be thinking about and discussing with our families, whether you're  already retired, planning to retire soon, or just beginning your working career. To get us started, VectorVest asked us to complete a short survey at the end of Friday night's Strategy of [...]

26 11, 2014

Retirees Portfolio Removes Energy Risk

By |2024-04-26T15:07:14+00:00November 26th, 2014|Categories: Retirement Planning, Uncategorized|

by Stan Heller November 26, 2014 With OPEC's decision looming on whether or not to cut oil production, VectorVest's Retirees Income Model Portfolio this morning sold three energy-related stocks vulnerable due to the uncertainty. Vermillion Energy (VET), Pason Systems (PSI), and Methanex (MX) were sold this morning. All three stocks have been trading lower this [...]

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