You absolutely must watch this week’s Special Presentation. There were so many great teachings it’s hard to know where to begin.
Brian D’Amico, VectorVest’s Manager of Education, walks us through three simple steps for becoming a confident investor:
1. WHO are you? Know what kind of an investor you really are related to your Personal Style and Investment Style. He said the two must align together regarding: How much time do you have? How much risk do you want to take? What are your goals?
2. WHAT are your goals? Write down your 5-year goal for % Gain and $ Gain. Then break it down by 1-year milestones and break the one-year milestones into month by month objectives necessary to get you to the finish line.
3. PICK YOUR ONE THING and stick with it. Of all the things you’ve tried, what strategy or method has delivered the best results for you? Then just do that. Ignore all the emails with new ideas and new strategies. Those only become distractions that waste your time and take away from the one thing that has proven to work best for you.
After you’ve watched the video, join me Monday, May 11 at 12:30 EDT for a webinar recap and group discussion of Brian’s presentation. We’ll answer your questions and find out what information you found most valuable. Register Here:
BONUS: Near the end of Friday’s presentation, Brian gave us a web link for a FREE PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS. It would be easy to dismiss this as just another review of stocks we currently own or stocks we’ve owned in the past. We can do this in our VectorVest WatchList. But it’s much more than that. If you want more in-depth insights into what style of an investor you are and specific guidance for improving your overall portfolio, then you need to take this free analysis!
SEND ME YOUR STOCKS: In Monday’s webinar, let’s put together a 30-stock portfolio and use the Free Analysis tool to learn about investment styles and stock selection. Either by email or in the comments section below, send me one Canadian stock you currently own or one that you have owned and sold this year, and also one US stock. Let’s see what VectorVest has to say about our portfolio.
Wednesday’s Canada Colour Guard Video: If you haven’t already watched Wednesday’s Canada Colour Guard Report Video, I hope you will take some time to do so this weekend. It will really help with your understanding of VectorVest’s guidance about market timing. Here again is the link to the recording:
Here are just a few of the comments I’ve received about the video:
“Another terrific presentation with plenty of valuable guidance – Thank you” – Barry
“I thought the day by day (colour guard review) was a great way to look at the “big” picture, furthermore it shows how important it is to look at the Views on a daily basis.” – Bob
“Thank you. Did enjoy it. Watching closely…” – Diann
“Another very timely and informative colour guard report. Thx Stan” – Mike
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