VectorVest has given us a few new Candlestick searches to strengthen our Candlestick Arsenal. Senior Instructor Jerry D’Ambrosio explained the latest additions in both our Canada and U.S. databases in two Strategy of the week (SOTW) Special Presentations:
1. Friday, July 24 – Strengthening your Candlestick Arsenal. The new searches explained were:
Bearish – Dark Cloud
Bearish – Shooting Star
Bullish – Piercing Pattern
2. Friday, April 24 – See the Light Using Candlesticks. The new searches explained were:
Bearish – Engulfing Pattern
Bearish – Harami
Bullish – Engulfing Pattern
Bullish – Harami
In the Friday, April 24 presentation, Jerry opened with a great explanation about how to read Candlesticks in the VectorVest program With our filled and unfilled red and green candlesticks we get a lot more information quickly than most services that use either white and black filled candlesticks or red and black candlesticks.
SOTW Q&A Video and Slides: We had a terrific turnout and an excellent webcast in our regular CA SOTW Q&A presentation Monday, July 27. We did a complete market review, looked at a few stocks and most important, answered a lot of questions about Jerry’s candlestick presentation. In case you missed it, you can view the recording BY CLICKING HERE
SLIDES ATTACHED: As promised during the webcast, I am pleased to attach below my slides from the Q&A, complete with descriptions about the new Candlestick searches. You will find the new searches under the UniSearch tab – Searches – Candlesticks folder. (hover your mouse at top right of slides for detach option)
P.S. In Monday’s presentation we talked about VectorVest’s MTI nearing the 0.60 level, a historically significant signal that we may be nearing a market bottom. VectorVest guidance remained to use caution and wait at least for a Primary Wave/Up with follow-through before stepping in to new positions. Well, Monday was an up day and yesterday, (Wednesday), the market soared after a slow start in which the MTI fell briefly to 0.59. So, tempting to trickle in I’m sure, but still no primary wave up as I pointed out in yesterday’s weekly CA Color Guard Report Video: Click for CA Color Guard Video Well, today we have it! The Primary Wave turned up this afternoon and has held at the close. As I mentioned in yesterday’s Color Guard video, it’s time to get your shopping lists ready if we get follow-through tomorrow. If you’re a more conservative Green Light Buyer, the earliest we could get a green light in the price column is Tuesday next week.
Looking for New Stock Ideas? There are many solid ways to find stocks for your shopping list. Here are three of them:
1. Cherry pick from the list of top VST stocks. Find stocks with great fundamentals and smooth price pattern using the VectorVest Simple Graph:
2. Cherry Pick Using Our Midas Touch WatchList. Look for stocks that have had an ‘up’ day the previous close and are continuing to move higher.
3. Run your favourite searches: Bullish Candlesticks; Retirement Searches such as High VST + YSG and High CI, Rising Dividends; Conservative Searches such as Steady Eddies; and Prudent Searches such as Jakes Patent Winners and Safe and Sound. Put the top 10 stocks from each search into a WatchList and cherry pick the best ones using your favourite graph study.
Good to Know: Historically, one of the safest times and often the most explosive times to buy is when we start to get Primary Wave Up and Green Light Buyer signals after the MTI has fallen below 0.60. (See Oct. 20 PW/Up) So, with probability on our side, let’s be ready and anticipate continued follow-through.
Are you looking for outstanding investment education and stock market guidance? Take a 5-Week trial to VectorVest for just $9.95 USD. Visit or call 1-888-658-7638 today for details.
DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this Blog is for education and information purposes only. Example trades should not be considered as recommendations. There are risks involved in investing and only you know your financial situation, risk tolerance, financial goals and time horizon.
Presented by Stan Heller, Consultant, VectorVest Canada
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