Below are the minutes of the Wed, January 14, Toronto-Markham User Group meeting. Be sure to check the Blog later today for the User Group’s review of how to set up a Business Plan for a Retired Couple, including results from the 2014 Business Plan followed by User Group Leader Phil Thomas.

Meeting Minutes Chalkboardsubmitted by Phil Thomas, User Group Leader, Toronto-Markham User Group
Thank you for coming out to the meeting this past Wed. Thanks to Stan P. & Dave F. for helping out at the meeting and a special thanks to Stan K. for his presentation on how he captures key points from the Strategy of the Week videos. And thank you to all the new people for joining us.

We covered the basics of VV with a focus on the resources and training material available for VV users. We have: Strategies of the Week, Essays and Special Reports available on the Views tab (check both Canada & US as there are differences), the new Quick Start videos by Brian D’Amico from the Welcome tab or through the Training tab, and all the training videos found via the Training tab.

The market outlook is cloudy given the drop in all Cdn & US indices, the falling price of oil, financial difficulties in Greece – again, the Russian-Ukrainian problems, terrorism, the slowdown in China, emerging markets and Europe. Given all this the Climate indicators give us bullish standings on the Truth Chart in the Climate section of the weekly views.

We reviewed the wrap up report of the “Business Plan and portfolios” created for 2014, which is the model that I follow. The MS Word part has snips of the portfolio searches, set ups, final graphs, summary reports and the buy-sell transactions in the form of a Tax report from VV Portfolios. You can see all the trades I made. It was a successful year. The dividend income and budget is in the attached MS Excel spreadsheet.

A business plan outline is attached. It is essentially the same as last year. I encourage you to build a business plan as it goes beyond a trading plan which is a component of your business plan. It makes you think about the why and how you are trading/ investing.

We looked at a few stock charts with RT, RT moving averages and MACD with a variety of moving averages on price with a view to picking entry and exit points. A great write-up and video can be found in the VV Cda blog. Go to, look in the November archives for the blog by Petra Hess, Group Leader of the Burlington user group: “Managing Positions Using 3-EMA/8-EMA Crossovers.”

Our March 11 meeting is moved to March 4.

The next user group meeting is February 11 at the Veteran’s Hall.

As Spock says “Live long and prosper.