Know Your Earnings Dates
Factset, VectorVest’s primary data provider, writes that more S&P 500 companies are beating EPS estimates for the second quarter than the average, and they are beating the estimates by a wider margin than average...
Factset, VectorVest’s primary data provider, writes that more S&P 500 companies are beating EPS estimates for the second quarter than the average, and they are beating the estimates by a wider margin than average...
It was another enjoyable and valuable VectorVest International Online User Group Forum Saturday, November 3. There was tremendous energy and excitement in the room as our keynote speaker, Bob Turnbull of Burlington, Ontario explained his triple ETF strategy, one that has delivered about 27% YTD return for Bob after achieving similar results in 2017.
Yogi Berra is known as much for his unintentional words of wisdom as he is for his excellence as a baseball player. He is credited with saying, “If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.” If he followed his own advice, I bet Yogi was a successful investor.