Joyce Gilmer of Provost, AB is the winner of our Valentines Contest. During yesterday’s webinar Joyce guessed there were 555 candies in our candy jar. She was the closest to the correct total of 572 candies.
Joyce said she has a trading plan, although not a good one yet. Joyce receives a $50 VectorVest gift voucher toward her next subscription renewal which she let me know is coming up soon.
Thanks to everyone who participated in the contest on our BLOG and in yesterday’s SOTW Q&A webinar. An interesting outcome is that by far the majority of contest participants said they have a trading plan, although a few said they don’t always follow it exactly. That puts our VectorVest Investor Community far ahead of other individual investors. It’s estimated that fewer than 5% of investors have a trading plan. Studies also show that investors with a plan are far more successful overall.
So, a pat on the back to all of you and perhaps to Dr. DiLiddo and his team of instructors who the last few years have been drilling home to all of us the advantages of having a written out trading plan. Several of you shared your trading plan concepts. Others said they are working on their trading plans and hope to improve them this year. A few of you said you will use the ideas set out in Friday night’s SOTW presentation, and others are going to study the trading plans in written up in our CA Investment BLOG. (see the Portfolio Management Category for details of four written Trading Plans).
As for your guesses about the number of candies in the jar, most people were inside one or two standard deviations if we were to use the Bollinger Bands concept. A few of you however were well outside the envelopes with guesses ranging from 100 to 996…lol. A good effort all around however and I hope you enjoyed the contest.
VIDEO RECORDING. In case you missed yesterday’s SOTW Q&A webinar, here is a link to the video recording:
SLIDES. Finally, below are the slides I used during the webinar. I had some positive feedback especially about slide #7, The Market Cycle of Investor Emotions.
View the PDF
the law of averages suggests that the average of all the guesses would be the closest guess to the actual candies in the jar!? Was it? Thanks
Most guesses were in a pretty tight range around the actual number, so probably the answer is yes.