
We don’t predict the markets, we follow the underlying trend of the markets.  Our proprietary Market Timing system and indicators work together to give clear signals that are translated into expert guidance, every day. Guidance that prepared subscribers for market plunges like the Coronavirus sell-off.

Here’s How It Worked

In our Strategy section of the Views on Friday, February 21, 2020, VectorVest guidance stated, “Prudent Investors should not buy stocks at this time. Aggressive Investors and Traders should play the market with a bias to the downside.”

In the weekly CA Timing the Market Video Report that evening, Steve Chappell, Director of Trading Systems, delivered the Weekly Timing the Market Report, saying, “The favourable underlying trend is diminishing. In fact, when we go to the Trend Column, we see our Down/Up situation signaled for the first time in a while. What this means is Price is beginning to break down on a week-over-week basis.

“This is the first signal we receive that the market might in fact be starting to change direction. This might be the onset to some further weakness, so do take note of that. If you haven’t already started getting defensive, I think now is the time to do so.

February Market Timing

Click on image to watch the video.

In the US software, the Enhanced Color Guard Video the evening of February 21st reported the canary in the coal mine is gasping for breath here and bearish divergences are abounding—the uptrend is running out of gas.

The Enhanced Color Guard Video that evening continued the story with… we are seeing a breakdown of the MTI… sound the alarm. Now is the time to tighten stops and protect profits. The Primary Wave is down, an important signal is being generated here. “Here are our hot stocks ending 2/21/2020. These may make good sense should the market continue into a downward move. Here’s our top 5 performing Contra ETFs.” These are up 80% to 3/12/2020!

Every trading day, VectorVest provides clear market direction, the guidance you need to make better investment decisions so that your retirement nest egg is protected from wild swings in the market. You get clear market direction—the expert guidance that you need to be successful in the stock market.

If you are reading this and aren’t a subscriber, you are probably asking yourself, “So now what?” Take a trial for 30 days, it’s risk free. Then, listen to the guidance and start to achieve the SAFE, COMFORTABLE Retirement that you and your family deserve

If you still have doubts, listen to John’s Story.